finding a surrogate

Finding A Surrogate

Your Guide To Finding A Surrogate

Finding a surrogate can be a lengthy process with protective measures in place to guarantee that you select the surrogate who meets your needs. There are many agencies to choose from. These agencies provide you with a wide selection of surrogate mothers so that you get a perfect match. Therefore, you should see to it that you get the professional guidance you require.

There are two forms of surrogates. There is the traditional surrogate, which is much less favored because the surrogate is the child’s natural mother, who had the father’s sperm artificially inseminated. Essentially, a traditional surrogate turns over her parental rights to the soon-to-be mom. The second kind is the gestational surrogate, which is the preferred approach since the child is genetically linked to the intended parents.

Finding A Surrogate: Choosing the Right Agency for You

A couple or single parent would normally have a suitable surrogate in mind. Before this, the initial step is to pick the right service provider for you. There are many agencies that provide this support service, so make sure you pick the one that you feel most comfortable with. You will be partnering with this agency for the next 12 to 24 months, so you must feel very confident with your choice.

Do your homework; ensure that the agency is trusted and established. Take note of the reviews from other people who have enlisted the agency’s services. Read about their experiences and learn why they picked this provider in the first place. Armed with this information, you can then rely on what your instinct tells you in terms of the right agency for your needs.

After selecting the provider to collaborate with, you’ll want to find a surrogate. The preferred prospect should have had at least one successful pregnancy, without any miscarriages, abortions, bleeding, or other medical difficulties that may present risk factors. It’s best to consult with your OB/GYN or reproductive endocrinologist about the medical background of the gestational surrogate whom you plan to partner with. A comprehensive medical exam must be performed on the gestational surrogate to ensure that any complications are eliminated. This will include, but not be limited to, a physical exam, laboratory work, ultrasounds, an in-depth medical background check, psychological examinations, and diagnostic tests for any harmful diseases.

Finding A Surrogate: The Ideal Surrogate

An in-depth discussion about the suitable gestational surrogate should take place with your physician. The surrogate must be drug- and disease-free during the pre-natal and post-natal stages, and must be between the ages of 21 and 40 years old. A history of pregnancy that involves the delivery of twins should also be considered. Take note that some couples or single parents may consider a relative for the purpose of preserving genetics associated with the family. The desired reproductive endocrinologist should be agreed upon once you and your partner have decided to undergo in-vitro fertilization.

Finding A Surrogate: In Conclusion

The procedure involved in finding a surrogate may take time. It is best to take this on with plenty of relevant and useful data, a full heart, and the hope that your child will soon be in your arms. Keep in mind that utilizing the assistance of a gestational surrogate is not necessarily for everyone, given the complexity involved in the process. You are in for an emotional roller coaster ride because many thoughts and questions will run through your head. However, in the end, this will all be worth it once you have a child to call your own.